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Cultural category:Clothing

The Archives of IEFSEM-BAS

number Inv. № aeim B56_155-1
title A shepherd with a typical bag for carrying a bag-pipe
Year of the photography 1940~1960
Period 1956
Place of the photography Smolyan Shiroka Laka Village
photographer Anastas Primovski
Ethnic group Bulgarian
Explanation A shepherd with a typical bag (chánta [Bulg.]) for carrying a bag-pipe (gáyda [Bulg.]).

keywords 1 shepherd
keywords 2 clothing
keywords 3 bag
keywords 4 tradition
keywords 5
keywords 6
keywords 7
keywords 8
keywords 9
keywords 10
keywords 11
keywords 12
keywords 13
keywords 14
keywords 15
Author of the text Svetla Rakshieva, Maria Markova, Elka Mincheva